Legend Acres Live Online April Newsletter

Legend Acres Live Online

We are open!!!

Legend Acres Online

Due to COVID-19 and keeping our clients and their pets safe during this time Legend Acres is moving to online only real time live video chat dog training sessions. If you would like more information about our online classes please visit https://calendly.com/legendacres to schedule your session!! www.Legend-Acres.com
#ServiceDogTraining #Onlinedogtraining #veteransservingveterans #legendacreswest #legendacresdogtraining #covid19

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AKC Novice Trick Online Course AKC Novice Trick Group Sessions are open to dogs ages 6 months and older or AKC CGC Certification! Want to put all your obedience commands to work for you in a fun way to bond with your dogs and family? Legend Acres Trick classes are a combination of obedience commands, tricks, and agility!!!
Register Now
During this time of uncertainty we all need a distraction and what better way than to continue with our riding and show preparation? Therefore, I am offering my services as a virtual coach. If you would like a lesson or critique, simply video your ride and you can post it on YouTube or email me the link along with your phone number. I will schedule a time to call you and we will go over your ride together. We will discuss your ride and ways to improve, and I will give you things to work on and what I would like to see in your next video
Schedule Virtual Riding Coach Session
Walk at least 30 minutes 5 times per week for a total of at least 150 minutes per week for at least 3 months. For dogs and people in good shape.

Walk at least 15 minutes per session at least 10 times per week (e.g., two 15-min walks per day) for at least 3 months. For dogs or people who would benefit from a walk that is a shorter duration, e.g., senior dogs.

Once you have received your magnet post a picture of you and your dog with your magnet in this event for a chance to win a free dog training accessory kit from Legend Acres and join our Active Lifestyle Group and invite 5 friends to join the event and click going in the event to be eligible for the Legend Acres Training Accessory kit prize pack!!!!!
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Show off your favorite Legend Acres West Wear and help raise awareness for Legend Acres West!!!!
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